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Movie News

RUINED WINGS was filmed on location in Steamboat Springs, Colorado. It is an independent short film about addiction based on Ashley's novella of the same name. Directed and produced by Sabrina Stewart of Confident Actor Productions, the film stars Olivia Hobson as "Callie Novak."  Click below to watch the entire movie for free. If you are interested in holding a showing in your local area to raise awareness about addiction, please send your request via email to or

Ruined Wings - Silver Award Winner - Int
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Mindfield ABQ Official Selection Laurel.
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The Lie has been optioned for a feature film entitled FORESEEN. Visit the film's website at   to watch the official trailer below and learn all about the cast, including Sabrina Stewart, Tiffani Fest, Olivia Bellafontaine, and others. Stop by the official Facebook page for the latest news!

Maverick Entertainment picked up the distribution for VOD of Foreseen. RELEASED JANUARY 9, 2019.  Click here to purchase your copy!

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